Sunday, November 16, 2008

How to Improve Sense of Security in Romantic Relationship

Relationship Help tips here will let you have happy and healthy Relationships.
Trust and sense of security play a great role in having a healthy romantic relationship.


Work on these areas to increase the sense of security in your relationship.

1. Support each other emotionally

The ability to detect and support your partner's emotion will make a big difference in your relationship especially when it comes to trust.
Learn to identify the partner’s emotions and give emotional support immediately.

2. Understand your partner

Always try to understand the feeling and view of your partner abut any subject you wish to discuss with your partner. In the beginning it may be difficult to understand the other. But in course of time it will be easy to understand what the other thinks.

Every person differs in expressing their emotions and feelings. By practice you can have some scale of judgment to find the feelings of your partner.

3. Truthful

Never try to cheat or deceive the other on any account except during some fun full playtime. You also be truthful to yourself. It will reflect in your actions and will give a sense of security.

4. Healthy communication

You and your partners tell each other what you feel and think in your relationship. Learn to communicate what you feel. Your communication should not mislead the other.

5. Do not prejudge

There will be times when you do not understand your partner, why he/she acted the way they did and/or why he/she feel certain way that you cannot comprehend. Do not jump into any prejudgment and use any words like ‘Stupid’.

Permit your partner to express their feeling freely and safely regardless the situation and be patient to understand them.

6. Do not dictate

Never forbid, dictate nor criticize your partner's feeling at any time when your feeling is not in tune with theirs.

7. Rectify your mistake

If you have gone wrong somewhere in creating the sense of security in the other, do some act which will make the other happier.

A video on Romantic Relationship created my friend Doritsa.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Tips For Ever Lasting Relationships

Successful Relationships are the key to happy life.

"Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness." - Oliver Wendell Holmes.


Avoid these eleven things and have a happy life.

1 . Enter into relationship other than to truly love and be loved.

2 . Just having relationship for children.

3 . Expecting to be loved and cared for the number of years they had been as partner in this world.

4 . Just because the other person submits to your every wish and command, bring in the the forced leadership. Being the 'Head of the house' or 'breadwinner' or any other excuse you can think of or imagine gives you no license to 'lord' or 'lady' it over your partner.

5 . Having a partner who just cannot exhibit care, warmth, generosity and positive energy.

6 . Being or having a partner who is not supportive of your dreams
A partner who does not take time to discuss with you your future together or who ignores what you want out of life is worth thinking twice about.

7 . Loving the color of your partner's skin.

8 . You cannot tolerate your partner's faith. It is most likely that it might disturb you even when you have been together for a long time.

9 . Accepting your partner because of his/her educational achievements or status.

10. Having relationship just thinking about the financial wealth of your partner.

11. Always thinking about the negative qualities of your partner.

Just avoid all the above to have ever lasting loving relationships.

Let not your love be just words, act it, it's more powerful!