Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Three Poweful Tips for a Romantic Happy 2009

Romance is essential to have Healthy life. But health is very important to have a happy romantic life. Both are interlinked. Good health is the key to have a Happy Romantic Life.


Three powerful tips I'd like to share with you that will not only make 2009
your best year ever, but will lay the essential groundwork
for abundance and prosperity beyond your wildest dreams for
you and your loved ones in the years to come.

Here they are:

Powerful Tip #1 - Get your health in order.

In his book "The Art of Money Getting or Golden Rules for
Making Money", the infamous P. T. Barnum wrote:

"The foundation of success in life is good health: that is
the substratum fortune; it is also the basis of happiness. A
person cannot accumulate a fortune very well when he is
sick. He has no ambition; no incentive; no force. Of course,
there are those who have bad health and cannot help it: you
cannot expect that such persons can accumulate wealth, but
there are a great many in poor health who need not be so."

How true...

Good health *is* the very foundation upon which wealth is

As a matter of fact...

As Ralph Waldo Emerson put it in his book "The Conduct of

"The first wealth is health."

Because, as he went on to explain:

"Sickness is poor-spirited, and cannot serve any one: it
must husband its resources to live. But health or fulness
answers its own ends and has to spare, runs over, and
inundates the neighborhoods and creeks of other men's


Just about says it all, doesn't it? :-)

The bottom line is...

Just as it'd be far easier for you to build a house when
you're healthy than when you're not...

Wealth, success, happiness, and love are a whole heck of a
lot easier to "build" when you're healthy than when you're

It's that simple. :-)

Powerful Tip #2 - Decide what you want to be when you grow

Let me ask you...

When you think of Bill Gates, what do you think of?

Software, right?

When you think of Warren Buffet, what do you think of?

Investments, right?

When you think of Michael Dell, what do you think of?

Computers, right?

When you think of Donald Trump, what do you think of?

Real estate, right?

When you think of Sam Walton, what do you think of?

Discount stores, right?

When you think of J. K. Rowling, what do you think of?

Books, right?

When you think of Ray Kroc, what do you think of?

Fast food, right?

When you think of Wayne Huizenga, what do you think of?

Garbage, right?

When you think of Oprah Winfrey, what do you think of?

Television, right?

When you think of Tiger Woods, what do you think of?

Golf, right?


Think about it...

Besides having "a lot" of money, by most anyone's standards,
what do *all* these "rich" folks have in common?

The answer?


They all made their "money", at least initially, just as all
great fortunes have been made, in *ONE* business or
profession, *NOT* ten different businesses or professions,
*ONE* business or profession.

In other words...

They got rich by deciding what they wanted to be when they
grew up, choosing the *ONE* business or profession they
wanted to be in, and then they focused on that *ONE*
business or profession until they "made it".


If "riches" and "wealth" are what *you* want...

That's *exactly* what you must do as well!

Decide what it is you want to be when you grow up...

Choose the *ONE* business or profession you want to be in...

Then focus *exclusively* on that *ONE* business or
profession until you "make it"!

Powerful Tip #3 - Spend more high-quality time with your
loved ones NOW!

I can't even begin to tell you how many people have emailed
me, over the last several years, telling me they wanted a
million dollars so they can spend more time with their loved
ones, more often than not their children.


I can see it now...

There they are in one room, beating their head against their
computer monitor trying to figure out how to make a million
dollars on the Internet, while their son or daughter quietly
sits in another room wondering why mommy or daddy won't play
with them.


Sure is.


Not in the least.

As a matter of fact...


That's *exactly* how the vast majority of people spend their
entire lives...

Don't you be one of them!

Here's the deal...

You don't need a million dollars to spend more time with
your loved ones.

As a matter of fact...

You don't need any money at all to spend more time with

All you need is to make the commitment and the time to do

With that thought in mind...

I wish you and your loved ones the absolute best of holiday
seasons and a wealthy, healthy, successful, and happy New

Health, Prosperity and good relationship are essential to have a happy romance in life.

"The Personal Power Course" by Wallace D. Wattles Ten
lessons in constructive science, teaching you how to use
your own subconscious energies for health, prosperity and
personal achievement.
Click Here for a Healthy, Rich and Romantic Happy 2009

Sunday, November 16, 2008

How to Improve Sense of Security in Romantic Relationship

Relationship Help tips here will let you have happy and healthy Relationships.
Trust and sense of security play a great role in having a healthy romantic relationship.


Work on these areas to increase the sense of security in your relationship.

1. Support each other emotionally

The ability to detect and support your partner's emotion will make a big difference in your relationship especially when it comes to trust.
Learn to identify the partner’s emotions and give emotional support immediately.

2. Understand your partner

Always try to understand the feeling and view of your partner abut any subject you wish to discuss with your partner. In the beginning it may be difficult to understand the other. But in course of time it will be easy to understand what the other thinks.

Every person differs in expressing their emotions and feelings. By practice you can have some scale of judgment to find the feelings of your partner.

3. Truthful

Never try to cheat or deceive the other on any account except during some fun full playtime. You also be truthful to yourself. It will reflect in your actions and will give a sense of security.

4. Healthy communication

You and your partners tell each other what you feel and think in your relationship. Learn to communicate what you feel. Your communication should not mislead the other.

5. Do not prejudge

There will be times when you do not understand your partner, why he/she acted the way they did and/or why he/she feel certain way that you cannot comprehend. Do not jump into any prejudgment and use any words like ‘Stupid’.

Permit your partner to express their feeling freely and safely regardless the situation and be patient to understand them.

6. Do not dictate

Never forbid, dictate nor criticize your partner's feeling at any time when your feeling is not in tune with theirs.

7. Rectify your mistake

If you have gone wrong somewhere in creating the sense of security in the other, do some act which will make the other happier.

A video on Romantic Relationship created my friend Doritsa.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Tips For Ever Lasting Relationships

Successful Relationships are the key to happy life.

"Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness." - Oliver Wendell Holmes.


Avoid these eleven things and have a happy life.

1 . Enter into relationship other than to truly love and be loved.

2 . Just having relationship for children.

3 . Expecting to be loved and cared for the number of years they had been as partner in this world.

4 . Just because the other person submits to your every wish and command, bring in the the forced leadership. Being the 'Head of the house' or 'breadwinner' or any other excuse you can think of or imagine gives you no license to 'lord' or 'lady' it over your partner.

5 . Having a partner who just cannot exhibit care, warmth, generosity and positive energy.

6 . Being or having a partner who is not supportive of your dreams
A partner who does not take time to discuss with you your future together or who ignores what you want out of life is worth thinking twice about.

7 . Loving the color of your partner's skin.

8 . You cannot tolerate your partner's faith. It is most likely that it might disturb you even when you have been together for a long time.

9 . Accepting your partner because of his/her educational achievements or status.

10. Having relationship just thinking about the financial wealth of your partner.

11. Always thinking about the negative qualities of your partner.

Just avoid all the above to have ever lasting loving relationships.

Let not your love be just words, act it, it's more powerful!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Relationship ART Print Poster For Romance

For four generations we had been enjoying the fantasy of these Relationship ART Print Posters of Raja Raviverma. You too may like it.

King in Romance poster

lady with lamp art

lady with fruits print poster

lady after romance

lady having her first born baby


Second stage of relationship
Second stage of relationship

Friday, October 10, 2008

10 Signs of Healthy Relationship

Relationship Help

We constantly seek for advancement in everything we do. No doubt it is good in almost every area of our life but it is not always true when it comes to relationship.
Seeking for improvement is good to a relationship if you work to improve it from the inside out. However if you start to seek improvement by comparing it with other couples, you are asking for trouble. The reason is simple as almost every relationship is not the same and it is impossible for you to compare it with other couples.

The definition of a healthy relationship may not be the same for each couple. Evaluate the below to determine whether your relationship needs improvement.

1) Both you and your partners enjoy passion and safety.
2) Your relationship revolves around respect, trust and sense of security.
3) You know what your partner wants and vice versa.
4) Both your feelings' and communication are well balanced and clear.
5) Both you and your partner has the room to think clearly for each other.
6) Both you and your partner support each other's wants or needs.
7) You are satisfied with whom you are and whom your partner is.
8) You are proud with what they do/did or who they are.
9) You are please with the relationship that you both built.
10) You have a realistic expectation on the relationship.

If your relationship possessed most of the above quality, you are on the right track to a happy, healthy, loving relationship. Work on improving the other area that is lacking.

Read more of articles on Relationship.

Love, Relationship and Romance Video

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Is It Possibile To Stop Divorce And Have Loving Relationship ?

In today's world, most of us involved in a relationship have a job, family, and other responsibilities that take up too much time of our lives and by the end of the day, we are so tired that don't make tip to do something different and fun with our significant other.

Stop Divorce and make her happy

The unhappy partner will do anything they can to create tension and confusion within the relationship. It may lead to divorce. There are indefinite ways to make your
partner feel loved, wanted and interested in you.

Don't let routine destroy your relationship. If some romance is not added to the relationship you will be pushed away from your loved one. Nothing is worse than being pushed away from a loved one, yet this is a common. Make the life more interesting with each other.

Read more of articles on Relationship and stop divorce.

Yes stopping divorce is not a big issue, if you spend some time in improving your relationship with your loved one. Love your partner as she|he is. Add some romance to your relationship. Devote sometime daily to add some romance to your life and make it interesting and stop the evil of divorce ever cropping up.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Improve Your Relationship With Gifts

Improve Your Relationship With Gifts For No Reason.

Gifts of exotic holidays

Give your lover gifts for no reason. It will just make your partner happy. It does not have to be expensive. Little things in life make a lot of difference. Present a cute little teddy bear or a simply a card saying "I love you", or a stalk of red rose. After all you don't have to find occasions to show that you care. It is something that you should show quite often to let your love not fade.

Don't wait for expected time to do something special do just love. Take every opportunity to love each other every day. You don't have to wait for your partner's birthday or your anniversary to say you love and care. You can say it now and then by way of presenting gifts. A gift could be even a card made by you or sent by e-mail. It will only show your feelings and enhance the love between the two of you.

You may take your partner to some exotic romantic tourist destinations. But presenting her something she requires for her kitchen may bring her equivalent happiness. Just keep it a surprise and see how thrilled she is, probably she thought of getting it herself and is extremely happy as you have showed that you care.

It helps your relationship to grow and strengthen. Whenever there is some kind of misunderstanding your relationship such actions of giving gifts for no reason will help. Your partner will definitely remember your sweet actions and will try to be more understanding towards you.

Click here to read more on this article "Improve Your Relationship With Gifts "

Funny romantic video:

Read more such articles on how to have romance for ever?

Tips That Can Save Your Relationship

Sage Relationship Advice Works Wonders In Developing A Healthy Relationship

eyes communicate

Communication Tips That Can Save Your Relationship:

First,tell your partner how you are feeling. Holding in stressful emotions can literally manifest itself in physical ailments, so do not avoid or indefinitely postpone anything that needs to be discussed. If you are angry, for example, holding in your feelings today can lead to a potential explosion tomorrow.

Second, if your partner did something which hurt you, tell them about how it made you feel rather than harp on what they did wrong. Don't make a case against your partner, simply tell them how their behavior makes you feel.

Third, how you engage in the discussion helps what you are actually saying. Sit next to your partner, hold their hand, talk in a comfortable place.

Remember that your goal is not to "Win" an argument, but to grow closer.

Click here to read more on this article "Tips That Can Save Your Relationship"

Read more such articles on how to have romance for ever?

Friday, September 19, 2008

Is Relationship Renewal Is Neccessary ?

Relationship will get sore if it is not renewed regularly.

Most of the relationships go through phases. In the beginning the relationship is full of care and love. The partners/spouses show extreme love and concern for each other. Till then they have not found out the differences. They crop up after some time. There are few ways the difference crop up. One may be expectations. The other may be- I am being used complex. The third may be- probably we are not right for each other. Let us find out how to bring a new life to the relationship that is suffering because of the problems I mentioned and other problems.

close relationship

The first step is to stop complaining and begin thanking your partner.

The next step is to talk with your partners about his/her problems

The third step is to begin saying I Love You in as many ways as possible.

Let your partner feel the love again. This expression of love will bring the spark of affection back in your life. Please use these Love Ecards to express your love. Free Cards To Say 'Let Me Love You' Free Love Notes Cards and Free I Love You Cards.

Try to do something which will keep alive your happy relationship. This has to be done with any kind of relationship - married couples, friendship, parent children...etc., etc., to have a ever growing close relationship.

Click here to read more on this article "Is Relationship Renewal Is Neccessary ?"

Read more such articles on how to have romance for ever?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

How To Have Happy Life For Ever ?

If you're in a relationship, and you'd like to make it be even a better one than you're experiencing now, I recommend that you focus on these steps over the next few months, and see what happens. Hey, if you don't change something in how you're approaching your relationship, how will it ever change?

romantic flowers

Give these 5 steps a chance, and I guarantee you things will be better!

1.Take on the challenge to just be you in connecting with the other person.

2. Women and men are different.

3. Whatever you think about your current relationship is wrong.

4. Your story about relationship shapes connection in your life.

5. Fall in love with your partner, rather than continuing to be in love with the story you're holding onto about your partner.

Click here to read more on this article "How to have a happy life for ever"

Read more such articles on how to have romance for ever?

Romance Is For Health

romantic couple

Hi friends,

Here I will share my views, pictures and videos on Romance. I just love romantic life. I love to have romance with my husband. We have had a beautiful and wonderful happy married life for thirty years. Hope to have it for many more years.

I wish you all readers to have a healthy, happy and thrilling romantic life for ever.
