Saturday, November 8, 2008

Tips For Ever Lasting Relationships

Successful Relationships are the key to happy life.

"Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness." - Oliver Wendell Holmes.


Avoid these eleven things and have a happy life.

1 . Enter into relationship other than to truly love and be loved.

2 . Just having relationship for children.

3 . Expecting to be loved and cared for the number of years they had been as partner in this world.

4 . Just because the other person submits to your every wish and command, bring in the the forced leadership. Being the 'Head of the house' or 'breadwinner' or any other excuse you can think of or imagine gives you no license to 'lord' or 'lady' it over your partner.

5 . Having a partner who just cannot exhibit care, warmth, generosity and positive energy.

6 . Being or having a partner who is not supportive of your dreams
A partner who does not take time to discuss with you your future together or who ignores what you want out of life is worth thinking twice about.

7 . Loving the color of your partner's skin.

8 . You cannot tolerate your partner's faith. It is most likely that it might disturb you even when you have been together for a long time.

9 . Accepting your partner because of his/her educational achievements or status.

10. Having relationship just thinking about the financial wealth of your partner.

11. Always thinking about the negative qualities of your partner.

Just avoid all the above to have ever lasting loving relationships.

Let not your love be just words, act it, it's more powerful!


weddinginvitationkits said...

great advice - too bad not everyone follows it.

Abhishek SEO said...

Mind Blowing